Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Need a job? UNH may have a course for you

May 12, 2009 08:38 AM

The University of New Hampshire is offering a new summer course that might be titled, "Layoff 101: How to Recover from the Pink Slip Blues" or, "Landing that First Job When the Economy Stinks."

In the official curriculum, the course's real title is “Selling Yourself in a Tough Economy,” and the class at UNH's Whittemore School of Business and Economics is for people who want to learn how sales techniques can boost their chances of getting hired for a new job, the university said in a press release.

Teaching the course will be Catherine Blake, founder of Sales Protocol International, the university said.

The course, which starts May 26, will "cover consultative sales process, presentation skills, time management, leadership, negotiations, best practices, and the protocol required to win in a tough economy," the press release said. "The course will cover everything from basics like resumes and cover letters to new trends like the use of blogs to develop a professional reputation."

For more information on the university's summer programs, please click here.http://www.learn2.unh.edu/feature8.html

(By Chris Reidy, Globe staff)