Monday, April 13, 2009

MIT Enterprise Forum - April 2009

Manchester, NH - What a fabulous night we had at last week’s MIT Enterprise Forum! Over 120 people appeared at First Place in Manchester to power network and hear TwitterGram and Resolute Marine Energy deliver their business plans for feedback. And, there’s nothing like laying your company’s heart and soul on the line in front of a crowd and esteem panelists with a couple of hot mics in the room!

JitterGram presented their Just-in-Time instant messaging strategy for the entertainment industry while Resolute Marine Energy cast their vision on “catching the wave” by harvesting energy from the ocean’s tides. The panelists were entertaining and insightful freely sharing their worldly experience and wisdom with us all.

In the spirit of collaboration, care, nurturing, and a bit of wicked New England humor, great minds, a bunch of dedicated volunteers, along with a few curious spectators had a great time helping these start-ups figure out how to strike it rich!

Join us sometime, visit:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Storms Boston

So I attended's Cloud event in Boston this month and it was fantastic! Me along with 2,000 of my new best friends packed into the Seaport Marriott ultra-modern hotel to get the latest and greatest news and insights into our beloved sofware world.

What's the attraction? It's the mystique about the product and a chance to rub elbows with others inside The Cloud. We discovered new possibilities, business opportunities, and ideas. Although the concept isn't new, the place is...The Cloud!

(Here's a thumbs up for marketing!)