Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Storms Boston

So I attended's Cloud event in Boston this month and it was fantastic! Me along with 2,000 of my new best friends packed into the Seaport Marriott ultra-modern hotel to get the latest and greatest news and insights into our beloved sofware world.

What's the attraction? It's the mystique about the product and a chance to rub elbows with others inside The Cloud. We discovered new possibilities, business opportunities, and ideas. Although the concept isn't new, the place is...The Cloud!

(Here's a thumbs up for marketing!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Catherine, my name is Art a student in the blogging class. Enjoyed reading your blog. My immediate observation is that you are a very dedicated,driven individual.
    My question is in respect to my son-in-law who recently got caught in a downsizing layoff at Dell. After reading your blog I wondered if there was some type of networking he could link into that may be of some help in finding work?
    He is a Sales Account Manager and held a similar position at HP, (Global Sales). Any suggestions would be appreciated. See you in class if you plan to attend the last session.
