Thursday, August 26, 2010

Enlarge Your Tent –Can Marketers learn from the Ancients?

Like you, I’ve been reading the most recent research about the new wave, the big wave, and the next wave in marketing. I understand the SEO game, Google’s ad revenue dependence, and the social media firestorm. What most of us are struggling with is Shakespearian: “To share or not to share.”

The new rules of marketing demand that we share everything - give it away, publish it on the web, don’t ask questions, and all for free. That goes against my analytical nature of wanting to attract, capture, close, and measure. We grew up “funneling”. It’s wired in.

If we truly trust these new rules, throw caution to the wind, and what the hell – put ourselves out there for critique, then what? Will it be irreversible if we make a faux pas, or forgivable, since we know each other better and have a relationship?
What worries me is the class bully. Marketing via whoever has the biggest mouth and too much time on their hands. Noise is getting traction in this market, even if it’s unfounded, uneducated, and unqualified. There is so much clutter that it’s tough to know who is credible. I’m looking for the next trend that will add credibility to what is being published, podcast, and broadcast; a standards body to vet content.

The more noise and clutter on the web, the more relationships matter. If I know who you are, or I can research your track record, experience, and credentials, then I am more apt to believe you. The voices of many are being shouted in a sea of tweets, news, blogs, posts, and videos. It’s no longer that familiar face or voice that we know and trust.

Who knows, maybe the ancient prophet Isaiah did know what was coming. His advice was share, share, share but make sure your foundation is strong. Prophecy?

“Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch your tent curtains wide. Do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2

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