Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quiet Leadership......Does Anyone Notice?

To: All the people who worked so hard (and continue to do so) rescue the animals in Middletown last week…..Thank you!

You are amazing.

I am sure there are days when you ask yourself if anyone notices or cares about your contribution. Know that we do.

I am sure that when you slog through mud and filth to rescue the innocent, the abused, and the neglected - you wonder why on earth you do this job. Know that it matters.

I am sure that when you are fighting all kinds of weather because someone needs to be fed, checked on, or kept alive, and you’re wondering if anyone knows how much of a sacrifice you’re making. When you’re no longer paid for your time, but you’re doing it on “your time” because you are dedicated and you care. We support you and thank you. We know how hard you’re working, even when nobody is there to witness your efforts on dark, cold nights, or on week-ends. When you went back to help, even when you job was done for the week; just because you care.

You are amazing.
Be encouraged, you are making a huge difference.
I believe that you’re fulfilling the reason why you’re here. Your God-given purpose.
Some people live their entire lives never figuring out what their calling is….You have.
There is nothing more fulfilling than doing exactly what you were born to do, using your unique gifts.
In your case, it’s to help animals, innocent souls who can’t speak for themselves.

Be encouraged.
Know that you matter.
Know that we notice, more than you know.
AND, that we admire you beyond words for your dedication, strength, and leadership.

Thank you and don’t stop!

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