Monday, August 17, 2009

Sweetheart, You're Home

Today I rose at 3:00 am to join over one hundred people at Pease Air Force Base in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. At 4:20 am, a flight of US Army troops touched down for the first time on US soil after over a year serving in Iraq. These men and women were met by cheering veterans, families, volunteers, even dogs for a surprise welcome home. Led by bagpipes and a young boy in an army fatigues (probably a Boy Scout), these military men and women were completely surprised to have the community come out in the wee hours to an old terminal, closed to commercial flights, in the middle of nowhere.

Now you’ve met the Pease Greeters, men and women dedicated to greeting every military flight to and from Afghanistan and Iraq, 7x24x365. Day, night, rain, sleet and snow hundreds of Pease Greeters gather to welcome, hug, shake hands, and be the face of America until they reach their loved ones at home.

After getting a much needed cup of coffee, the troops attended a brief ceremony where flags, battle cries, and salutes were exchanged, a professional singer (dedicated volunteer) sang the National Anthem, and a chaplain led the Lord’s Prayer.

Then, with camera’s flashing, the troops boarded their flight to Ft. Bragg for a week long debrief before going home to their families. Imagine being the first American civilian these men and women have seen in over a year? There wasn’t a dry eye in the terminal.

As they were boarding the plane, we lined up to say goodbye. I couldn’t help giving many, many much appreciated hugs. Then, one of the service women, with tears in her eyes, melted in tears as I held her in my arms and said, “Sweetheart, you’re home.”

Join me to support our troops:

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