Monday, June 27, 2011

Musings on Leadership: job, brand, or character?

Leadersip is All Three:

Job John Maxwell’s 360 Leadership suggests that we can lead from wherever we are. What this means is that it doesn’t matter if you are “in charge” officially and people in your organization are being paid to follow you – you can influence people’s minds and hearts no matter where you are serving.

Example) As marketing director for a high technology start-up company,I received a phone call one day from a prospective business partner. She told me in confidence that one of our executives had approached her with an unethical deal. I was put in the awkward position of having to act. Sometimes we are put in the position of making tough decisions because they are the right thing to do.

Brand Leadership becomes our personal brand. Why? Because Leadership begets leadership. The more you lead, the more you get asked to lead, and the more you lead, the more you become known as a leader.

How do we become better leaders?
1. Read everything about leadership
2. Learn from other leaders
3. Community: Learn from other Leaders in action
4. Lead anything

What is the test of true leadership? Ask yourself, "Is anyone following you who isn’t paid to?"

Character Character is the root of leadership. It’s the rock we stand on, rooted in your beliefs or the tenants of our faith. Our belief system drives our character which in turn, guides our behavior. We “act”, lead, and behave according to what we believe to be right, morally and ethically.

Example) Trust is a huge part of leadership. When we donate to organizations we believe in, we do so because you “trust” the moral fiber and character of their leadership.

Conclusion: Leadership is our job, our brand, AND then it becomes part of our character

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