Monday, June 27, 2011

Musings on Leadership: The Mindset

Leadership is a privilege and not something to be taken lightly.

• Why? Because when we are put into the position of leadership, we are responsible for others and sometimes the “lives of others.”

• Are we inspiring them to act congruently with sound moral and ethical values?
Are we standing on truth?

• Are we setting the right example with our behavior when no one is looking?

As a person of faith, I believe we blessed. And with these blessings comes responsibility:

• To be the voice for people around the world who can’t advocate for themselves.

• To use our wisdom and passion to turn up the heat on legislation for important issues.

• To use extend our hearts to "the least of these" and show compassion.

Recently I had lunch with teenager that I am doing some mentoring with. She had razor blade slashes up each arm and the word "death" printed on her hand in black ink. It's moments like these when leadership kicks in and we find ourselves digging deep for inspirational words to change the tide. Can I lead by example to redirect her course or save her life? So far, so good.

The ROCK of successful leadership is built on TRUTH.

1 comment:

  1. I think if I were to chose a different career earlier on I would have chosen to work with troubled teens. My heart goes out to them and I definitely would have loved to make a difference in a life or two.
